On Finding True Love

Once upon a time, some sage mentor told me a piece of advice that changed everything for me. This person will remain nameless, but primarily because I have forgotten who it was. It was a piece of wisdom I sorely needed, and still heed to this day. So if any of you are looking for […]

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The Leper

Ruth balanced the water jug on the top of her head to start the long walk back home. People bustled through the streets of Jerusalem, some off to market pushing against those on their way up the hill to the temple. She expertly stepped to the side as a laden donkey lumbered up the tiny street. Not a single drop of water fell upon her head as she sidestepped and she smiled. […]

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Waylaid On Novel Mountain

I am nearing 30,000 words on my novel draft. Slowly getting there. But for the last week or so, I have been climbing a different hill. I have been reading a lot of material on how to improve my writing. One of the websites I found in my wanderings is called The Write Practice. On […]

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